God sent a plague of sores...

January. squeezed an innocent looking pimple on my hip. it swelled a bit, and hurt a lot. i left it alone. two days later...
...a pustulent, weeping boil. ho ho, thinks i, i've seen your kind. easily dealt with by home surgery, to be sure.
so i get out my needle, iodine, lighter and tissue. half an hour later it feels better. two days later, i'm visitng the doctor with a festering purple-yellow sore.
a course of antibiotics, several hot baths and two teaspoonsful of pus later, i'm back in the doctor's. he takes the dressing off and a peasized bag of pus comes away with the gauze.
he packs the hole full of a cottonwool-like substance, only its made of seaweed and silver, which hurts like the fires of hades in the 10p sized hole in my hip.
three weeks and four visits to the doctor are what came of squeezing one innocent-looking pimple. bear that in mind when squeezing your own eh?
i think its god, wreaking vengeance on me for my recent pay rise. heheh...
What possesed you to go for the 'home surgery'?
Very dodgy.
i'm used to being ripped off by doctors... now that i live in a society where you're encouraged to participate in the free health system, all the old habits are dying hard.
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