Thursday, May 19, 2005

the ins and outs of word files

boss: ...can you email it to me?
worker: (pause, in which he thinks about the implications of dropping the idea of our intranet portal into this technological backwater)
... uh yes. (saves a local copy, winces, then sends it over)
there you go. are you going to send it to the client?
boss: i just want to make some changes...
worker: (winces internally) we should send it as pdf, because the client won't have our company font, and the company name on the front cover will default to courier...
boss: ... what size is it?
worker: (pause, thinks: what difference does that make?)... uh 500k
boss: nah, its not so big, we'll just make the changes and send it.
worker: (pause,thinks: yes, and the client may also make changes and send it back. this is a liability you neither need nor understand. I could explain it to you, but you don't want to understand)

this exchange is just one of many such exchanges. I fear that boss may think worker is trying to be difficult, for reasons I could explain, but I don't need to, because you understand.
remind me why it is that the worker-boss relationship is always inverted in this way? why is there such inherent mistrust of anything that a smart worker produces? surely a good manager recognises that he could not possibly have the depth of skills that all his underlings have, and therefore should trust their judgement on their own areas of expertise?

_puff of smoke from ears_ . i was just having an idealistic daydream. better go back and wrestle with my template again.